
We warmly welcome newcomers both in person and on Zoom to our meetings which are held on Sunday morning, 10:30 - 11:30 (in person and Zoom) and on Tuesday evening 6:30 - 7:15 (in person and Zoom on request)

If it's your first time coming to our meeting in person, you might find it useful to arrive little before 10:30 on a Sunday so you can chat to one of the doorkeepers who greets people as they arrive.

We also welcome people on Zoom - please email us at request the Zoom link.

Our Meetings are based on silence – a shared silence of waiting and listening.

Sit quietly in silence or you may find it helpful to read one of the leaflets you may have been given. There may be silence for quite some time. We seek a communal gathered stillness where we can be open to inspiration. One or more people during the meeting may feel moved to 'minister'. These are not special people, at least no more special than anyone else, and if you feel moved to speak your contribution will be just as welcome as anyone else's.

In the meeting room, we have a microphone and TV screen so that those who cannot make it in person to our meeting for worship can still take part.  We gently encourage those in the room to either approach the microphone in the central table or ask for it to be passed to them if they wish to speak

For more information about Quakers, you will find a wealth of resources at the Quakers in Britain website at their Quaker Faith page